Monday, January 19, 2009

2009 Dane County Budget

2009 Budget
Monday, December 1st, I voted to pass the 2009 County Budget, keeping within County Executive self-created standard of not increasing the budget above the rate of growth plus inflation. The $493 million county budget will increase property taxes on the average home by $2.13.

The budget contains some very important priorities – for example, 75% of the budget goes towards public safety, including the Sheriff’s Department and 911 Center, and human services.

The budget includes additional staff and technological upgrades for the Dane County Public Safety Communications Center (911 center). Included in the technological improvements is implementation of and training on Police Priority Dispatch. This new program utilizes nationally recognized response standards to determine the priority of calls, ensuring uniform police responses.

The budget allocates $12-million to begin construction of a new countywide emergency radio network which when completed will result in a $30 million infrastructure investment by the county to ensure that all emergency responders can communicate with each other during emergencies. This will be the second largest capital project in Dane County’s history.

The budget also includes over $3.5 million for the reconstruction of a number of county roads and intersections, including the funding for Monona Drive reconstruction, and a significant increase in lakes and watershed protection programs. These funds will be used to help mitigate future flooding problems.

Lastly, the budget includes 2 budget amendments that I co-sponsored relating to sustainability and making sure that the county becomes as energy independent as possible, saving long term utility costs and minimizing our carbon footprint.