Monday, May 25, 2009

Lake Level Management needs to be comprehensive, collaborative, and responsive. That is why I introduced a resolution to the County Board that was adopted on May 21st in which we ask the DNR to adopt a comprehensive approach to managing the levels of the lakes, including the following actions:
  • Recognizing that all communities within the Yahara Lake watershed have an impact on lake management, bring together community leaders from the communities within the drainage basin of the Yahara River Chain of Lakes to discuss and agree upon strategies to minimize flooding from runoff and maximize infiltration.
  • Recognizing the severity of recent storms, authorize the temporary lowering of lake levels below established minimum levels in response to severe storm events in order to increase storage capacity in the lakes and to manage the lakes as a system.
  • Recognizing that everyone has a role to play in decreasing runoff, initiate a comprehensive education program to encourage everyone to do their part by minimizing runoff from their property, including the use of rain gardens and/or rain barrels, supporting stronger measures to protect our lakes and wetlands, and sensible efforts to move water downstream more efficiently.

This approach is consistent with recent DNR orders, and lets the DNR know that the County Board is eager to see progress in this area. The watershed that drains into Lake Monona is large, highly developed, and involves multiple local governments. By working with the DNR and other communities we can mitigate impacts of anticipated severe storms and reduce the damages from flooding. The watershed that drains into Lake Monona is large, highly developed and covers many local governments. I am optimistic that collaboration and communication will help find solutions that will help minimize run-off and maximize infiltration.